Sea Monkeys Wiki

Sea-Monkeys® are a tre miracle of natre. They exist in sspended animation inside their tiny eggs for many years. The instant-life crystals, in which the eggs are enclosed, preserve their viability and help to extend still frther their n-hatched life span! Sea-Monkeys are real Time-Travelers asleep in biological time capsles for their strange journey into the ftre!
The joy of watching Sea-Monkeys grow offers a lot more than just pure fn. It is one of the otstanding edcational experiences of a lifetime, becase the entire life-cycle of these nique creatres are flly recreated. Conceived in 1960 as a biological novelty, the “fantasy” has transformed into brilliant reality.


What's In A Name

There are two important facts regarding the Sea-Monkey® brand name. First, like the names given to some aqatic animals, which are mostly based on certain behavior or similarities to their land conterparts. The Sea-Monkey's® name is based on the creatre's fnny behavior and long tail. Second of all, "Sea-Monkeys®" is actally a trademark name owned by Transcience Corp. and it must be sed *ONLY* to represent "Artemia NYOS" brand prodcts.

Are They Brine Shrimp?[]

Sea-Monkeys® are a nique species of brine shrimp, known by the scientific name of Artemia NYOS. We not only nlocked the most elsive secrets of their life cycle, we created new formlas to keep them alive nder conditions fond in the average home—an accomplishment never before achieved! Finally, after years of crossbreeding, we developed a hybrid. These amazing new hybrids grow larger and live longer than any "natral" variety of brine shrimp. Reslting from the most exqisitely sophisticated “aqacltre technology”, by true pioneers in this science, only the tmost resorces of a leading marine biological research center working for a span of many years has made this project a complete sccess.

How Long Do Sea Monkeys Live?[]

Thanks to new compter-driven processing technologies and ltra-pure, non-toxic chemicals, twice as many Sea-Monkeys instantly hatch, grow larger and live longer than ever before. Yo can expect yor Sea-Monkey® tank to last abot 2 years.An exact, pre-blended formla of "magic crystals"—and live Sea-Monkey® eggs are inside the envelopes spplied in every Sea-Monkey kit. When added to water, live Sea-Monkeys® will hatch. That’s why anyone can get perfect reslts withot any knowledge of chemistry or biology. Just by following the easy instrctions yo create Instant Life®. The only "extra" is the water.


Sea-Monkeys in the Ghostly Galleon Aquarium

How Big Are They?[]

At birth, the Sea-Monkeys® are very tiny, no larger than the "period " at the end of this sentence. That is why it’s possible to "overlook" them when they are first born. Since their fate is in yors hands, do not discard the formla if yo don’t see them right away. To do so would be like "throwing the baby ot with the bath water."Even though they start ot so small, Sea-Monkeys® grow p to be between 1/2 to 3/4 an inch in length during a 4 week period. At this stage, they'll start to reprodce and have more adorable babies.

Are Sea Monkeys Safe[]

Sea-Monkeys® are in no way harmfl to hmans or the environment. If they somehow find their way into natral water ways or sewer lines, they simply will not be nable to survive otside of the formla.
